Previous Proceedings


Published by Coventry University

Editors:  Peter Claisse, Esmaiel Ganjian and Tarun Naik.

Address:  Coventry University, Coventry, CV1 5FB UK.   

The conferences have been assigned print and online ISSN with the title “Sustainable construction materials and technologies”. Variant titles have been included - including ‘SCMT’ and ‘Proceedings of the ... international conference on sustainable construction materials and technologies’.    

(Print) ISSN 2515-3048   

(Online) ISSN 2515-3056



The conference proceedings have been accepted on 8 April 2018 for indexing by Scopus with the title “International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies”.  The papers from SCMT5 2019 have been indexed on Scopus.

The proceedings have been accepted on 13 March 2018 for inclusion in EI Compendex as “Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies”

Papers from the conferences are indexed by Google Scholar

Papers are assigned Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs).  The DOIs for STMT5 2019 are in 2019 Papers sorted by paper number.htm


Sixth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT6), University of Lyon (ENTPE), Lyon, France, 9-14 June 2024

FREE DOWNLOADS  (click the links in the left hand column first and then click on the file)

2024 Papers sorted by paper number         (Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) available next week)

2024 Papers sorted by 1st Author's surname   (Under construction!)

2024 Papers sorted by 1st Author's first name  (Under construction!)

The SCMT6 proceedings are also available to buy as books.  The proceedings are published on the Kindle Direct Independent Publishing Platform. 

Search for “SCMT6” on your local Amazon site or use the links below for the UK site. The ISBNs may be found with these links. Under 'Product Details'.

SCMT6 conference proceedings Volume 1

SCMT6 conference proceedings Volume 2

SCMT6 Proceedings for sessions in honour of Professor Chun-Qing Li

Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT5), Kingston University, London, UK, 14-17 July 2019

FREE DOWNLOADS  (click the links in the left hand column)

2019 Papers sorted by paper number.htm

2019 Papers sorted by sender's first name.htm

2019 Papers sorted by sender's surname.htm


The SCMT5 proceedings are also available to buy as books.  The proceedings are published on the Kindle Direct Independent Publishing Platform. 

Search for “SCMT5” on your local Amazon site or use the links below for the UK site. The ISBNs may be found with these links. 


SCMT5 conference proceedings Volume 1

SCMT5 conference proceedings volume 2

SCMT5 conference proceedings volume 3

SCMT5 proceedings for sessions in honour of RILEM

SCMT5 proceedings for session In Honour of Professor Tim Ibell

SCMT5 proceedings for sessions in honour of Professor Christian Grosse

SCMT5 proceedings for session in honour of Professor Chris Cheeseman


In order to get a print copy of a volume containing a specific paper you will generally find papers 1-63 in volume 1, 64-128 in volume 2 and 130-191 in volume 3, but we suggest that you use the “look inside” facility to check the contents before purchase.  


Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA  7-11 August 2016, University of Nevada Las Vegas USA


2016 papers Sorted by corresponding author.htm

2016 papers Sorted by paper number.htm




The proceedings were published in 2017 on the CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 

Search for “SCMT4” on your local Amazon site or use the links below for the UK site.

In order to get a print copy of a specific paper you may find the volume number in the spreadsheets above, but we suggest that you use the “look inside” facility to check the contents before purchase.  The honouree papers are also in the main volumes.

SCMT4 Conference Proceedings Volume 1

SCMT4 Conference Proceedings Volume 2

SCMT4 Conference Proceedings Volume 3

SCMT4 Conference Proceedings for Honouree session for Professor Harald Justnes

SCMT4 Conference Proceedings for Honouree session for Professor Nicolas Roussel

SCMT4 Conference Proceedings for Honouree session for Professor Toyoharu Nawa

SCMT4 Conference Proceedings for Honouree session for Professor Antonio Nanni

SCMT4 Book of Conference Abstracts


Third International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, August 18 – August 21 2013, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan


papers listed by number

papers listed by second name of first author

papers listed by first name of first author

papers listed by session

papers listed by country

Presentations for young researchers 2013 papers\Young Researchers\SCMT3  Session for Young researchers.htm


Second International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, June 28 - June 30, 2010,  Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy 

Covers (showing ISBNs)  

Main proceedings   2010 papers\cover.pdf

Honouree proceedings  2010 papers\Honouree cover.pdf

Special proceedings  2010 papers\special cover.pdf



All papers arranged alphabetically by name of original first author:  2010 papers\2010 Papers.htm

Honouree volume:  2010 papers\Honouree.htm

Main volume:   2010 papers\main.htm

Special Volume:  2010 papers\special.htm

Web only papers:  2010 papers\web.htm


First International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 11-13 June 2007,  Coventry University, Coventry UK

Print volume published by CRC Press:   2007 proceedings



Main volume (abstracts only):  mainabstracts.htm

Special volume (full papers):  specialabstracts.htm

Supplementary Volume (full papers):  supplementaryabstracts.htm